Clicking connect will open a new SSH session tab and login you right in with the SSH profile details provided. This is a premium Feature.
If you have not setup your SSH Profiles in the ssh config db you will need to do this first. See this link.
Alternatively if you have an OpenSSH client config file in ~/.ssh/config
for your OS it will also populate connections from there if Premium.
For Windows this path would be the below which may need its parent directory %USERPROFILE%\.ssh
created from %USERPROFILE%
Sometimes it may be located at similiar path but without the dot before the ssh part. %USERPROFILE%\ssh
Which would be like this for my user aka “mike”C:\Users\mike\.ssh\config
For more information on OpenSSH client config options see this link.
An example configuration is below for reference.
Host * IdentitiesOnly=yes TCPKeepAlive yes ServerAliveInterval 60 ServerAliveCountMax 6 # Could put your main key as default IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa Host somehost Hostname somehostname user root Port 22 Host someotherhost Hostname # or specific key for the IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 user root Port 22